Lapidary Update August, 2016

If you’ve been following the Facebook page, then you already know the good news: After two years of saving, I’ve finally been able to get a cabbing machine! I decided to take the plunge and get a 6 inch Cabking rather than less expensive model I had been looking at. It is really, really nice.

Pictured: Me and my friends in awe of the Cabking.

So, what does this mean for Lapidify? Well, a couple things. First, it means that I’ll be back to cutting and polishing my own stones again for the first time in nearly two years. I’ll get to make unique shapes for pieces ahead of time rather than seeking out pre-cut cabochons and tumbled stones. I’ll get to conceive my pieces from start to finish now, and really celebrate each rock individually!

Secondly, it means that I can start taking some commissions to polish people’s stones. I have never cut garnets, sapphires, diamonds, or rubies and I plan on not taking those until I’ve had more practice. However, I can cut jaspers, quartz (rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, aventurine), chalcedony, agates, and calcites all day. So let me know if you’d like me to work on your stones!
